News  >  The RNA Revolution: How Polaris Genomics is Tapping Into Biology for Mental Health Discovery

24 June 2024

A must-read for scientific forward thinkers and health advocates from all walks, this article by Nobel laureate Dr. Thomas Cech discusses the growing importance of RNA in the field of biology1.


This is particularly relevant for biotech companies like Polaris Genomics, leaders in this new and innovative field, creating novel platforms for research and diagnosis advancement centered on the untapped knowledge within our RNA. Dr. Cech highlights how RNA, once seen as a mere messenger molecule overshadowed by DNA, is now being recognized for its potential in fields including medicine and biotechnology1.

Here’s why this article resonates with us at Polaris Genomics, and why you should be paying attention:


  • RNA’s Untapped Potential: The article emphasizes RNA’s diverse functionalities, including storing genetic information, acting as an enzyme, and regulating cellular processes [1]. This aligns perfectly with our ongoing efforts to understand the genome’s full potential, which extends far beyond just DNA sequencing. Since its founding in 2017, Polaris Genomics has harnessed the power of RNA-seq on Illumina’s next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms to further our understanding of the genomic characteristics of mental health conditions at the transcript level.
  • The Future of Medicine is RNA: The article mentions the development of RNA-based therapies and the promising results from mRNA vaccines [1]. At Polaris Genomics, we are actively involved in exploring the research-focused clinical and therapeutic potential of RNA, such as identifying biomarkers correlated with individuals who respond well to certain therapeutics. Our ADAPT Panel™ has the potential to expedite ongoing drug trials and develop novel drug targets by identifying objective biomarkers for patient selection and target enrichment.
  • Unveiling the “Dark Matter” of the Genome: Dr. Cech highlights the vast amount of unexplored “dark matter” in the human genome that gets copied into RNA molecules with unknown functions [1]. We are confident that RNA-based research, including the study of non-coding RNAs, microRNAs, and mRNA transcripts, holds the key to breakthroughs in our understanding of gene expression and the biomarkers associated with neuropsychiatric conditions.
  • Actionable insights are within reach today: Our PTS-ID™ trial is currently taking place in Washington, DC, and will also soon open in Chicago. The first test of its kind to use genomics to unveil the physical changes underlying PTSD, PTS-ID™ measures RNA expression for HPA axis (fight-or-flight) dysregulation; learn more and sign up here.


At Polaris Genomics, we are proud to be at the forefront of this field, leveraging our expertise to unlock the potential of RNA for the benefit of human health.



Press Contact

Jen Williams

[email protected]
+1 802 355 5072